Tuesday, November 4, 2014

100 Days, 100 Places - Unintentional but Unapologetic Killjoy.

Can you imagine if you were walking minding your own business (probably singing along to the music being spouted by your iPod) and then a lion appeared out of nowhere onto your path and threatened to end your existence? (What a killjoy) 
Well, I assume you would scamper, trying to escape, probably tripping and dropping anything you were holding; because of course your life is more important.

Well, today I was that lion, at least in the eyes of a sweet old lady and her two young charges (barely 12 years from my estimate), who she was probably picking from school.
Immediately they set eyes on me, I could see their frantic look in their eyes and for a moment they were confused whether to go left or right. Thank God the old lady didn't trip and break a hip. I mean their facial expressions made it so evident the distress they were facing.
I guess I'm an Unintentional but so very Unapologetic of a Killjoy.
Rest assured this brown lady (me) shan't be biting you, unless you ask real nice, and even then I am not too sure I would oblige.
I'm honestly still confused about what to think/feel about this, but one thing though; I hope that the text books that these young kids are reading, are able to give them a diverse view of the world. Not everyone is going to be so fortunate to travel the world. It would be a shame to go by your life thinking everyone is an exact (physically, mentally, emotionally etc) replica of yourself. ‪#‎StayWoke‬

p.s. This is not to say Hong Kong hasn't yielded happy memories and experiences to me (I mean if you see my pictures and other updates you will know this is not the entire story of Hong Kong)